Eastmen spearmen 03
Easterling spearman with full, ornate armor and shield with playful ornaments
Eastmen spearmen 04
Easterling spearman with full, ornate armor and shield with playful ornaments
Eastern people water carrier
Man wearing loincloth and legs chained together carrying two large buckets of water on his shoulders hanging from a wooden beam
Palace guard
Armed palace guards in armor. Three different models available:
Model 1: Guard with bow
Model 2: Guard with saber
Model 3: Guard with polearm and shield
Panicked villager
Running man in simple clothes with arms stretched forward
Model: Panicked Peasant by Valandar, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Panther rider
Woman in armor and cloak armed with spear and riding panther
Model: Panther Rider Girl Miniature by Ilhadiel, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Persian warrior
Swordsman with lamellar armor and many decorations
Model: Persian Guard by DarkRealms, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Pikeman of the Fiefs 01
Soldier wearing chainmail, plate armor and monkshood, armed with a long pike
Pikeman of the Fiefs 02
Soldier wearing chainmail, plate armor and monkshood, armed with a long pike
Pikeman of the Fiefs 03
Soldier wearing chainmail, plate armor and monkshood, armed with a long pike
Pirate pugilist
Pugilist with bare upper body
Model: Pirate Pugilist by tshenry1, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Pirate captain
Captain with tricorn hat, sword and pistol
Model: Pirate Captain by tshenry1, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Pirate captain
Woman wearing a tricorn hat, corset and skirt, carrying a saber in her hand and a rapier on her belt
Pirate with pistols
Pirate with a headscarf and two pistols
Model: Female Pirate Captain by tshenry1, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Pitch Blackfork, farm necromancer
Bald man in simple, tattered clothing holding a pitchfork and summoning the spirit of a rooster from a large tome
Model available with or without scenic 50 mm round base
Praaj, meditating yogi with staff
Four-armed man with pearl jewelry floating above the ground in the lotus position and carrying a staff on his back Model available with or without a designed 25mm base. "Praajuuhallavrajit...
Praaj, meditating yogi with symbol
Four-armed man with pearl jewelry floating above the ground in the lotus position with a round disc with a geometric pattern floating behind him Model available with or without a...
Praaj, meditating yogi with fourteen arms
Four-armed man with pearl jewelry floating above the ground in the lotus position with five pairs of arms floating around him in meditative postures Model available with or without a...
Crusader preacher
Man in mail and plate armor carrying a sword in one hand and a thick tome in the other "The old order is crumbling. The existing regime is stagnant and...
Priestess of Feathers
Priestess in a wide, feathered robe and elaborate headdress, holding a scepter and an open book in her hands
show 721-744 of 1275 products
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