Dragonfly - Dragonfly 01
Sitting dragonfly with spread wings.
Model: Dragonfly by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Frog - Frogs 1
Seven different little frogs The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 , licensed under CC BY...
Bird - Kingfisher 01
Simple kingfisher.
Model: Atthis by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Snail - Snail 01
Snail with a house on its back.
Model: Snail by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Snake - Snakes 1
Five different little snakes The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 , licensed under CC BY...
Sea Snail - Sea Snail 01
Simple sea snail.
Model: Spiralshell by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Cancer - Crayfish 01
Large freshwater crab
Model: Giant Crawfish by mz4250, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Toad - Toads 1
Five different, fat toads The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 , licensed under CC BY...
Turtle - Turtles 1
Four different tortoises and an empty turtle shell The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 ,...
Frog - Poison Dart Frog 01
Simple frog.
Model: Poison Dart Frog by 2be3D, licensed under CC BY 4.0 .
Bat - Ghost Bat 01
Bat with big ears and spread wings
Model: Ghost Bat by yeg3d, licensed under CC BY 4.0 .
Natural stone bridge
Flatly curved bridge, partly made of natural stone, partly made of bricks
Model by DarkRealms
show 1-24 of 115 products
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