Twisted corals
Corals spiraling upwards overlooking a rocky subsoil The 'Complete Set (Large)' selection includes all five large individual models. The 'Complete Set (Small)' selection includes all five models, but significantly smaller...
Parasitic stalagmites
Rock formation growing upwards in a tubular shape The 'Complete Set (Large)' selection includes all five large individual models. The 'Complete Set (Small)' selection includes all five models, but significantly...
Scissorlock, saddled giant crab
Huge crab whose back is padded with a blanket roll and a seat cushion and bordered with horns
Model available with or without scenic 50 mm round base
Hippocamp - saddled hippocamp
Rearing, scaled sea horse with finned crest, wearing a saddle and neck and chest armor
Ray - Large ray
Swimming large ray with serrated body. Model has a hole at the bottom and can be placed on a flight base
Shark - demon shark
Huge shark with spiny scales and numerous fins swimming in an arc. The model has two holes on the bottom that allow it to be mounted on flight bases
Crab - fiddler crab with luggage
Crab with adventurer's pack and D20 on his back.
Model: Crab Miniature (25mm) by futilerevenge , licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Crab - Large Fiddler Crab 01
Large crustacean
Model: Crab Miniature (25mm) by futilerevenge , licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Crab - Giant Crab 01
Giant crab with thematic base
Model: Giant Crab by tshenry1 , licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Shark - Great white shark in reef
Great White Shark in Coral Reef with Seaweed and Rocks (50mm Base)
Model: Great White Shark by tshenry1, licensed underCC BY-SA 3.0 .
Turtle - sea turtle on rock
Sea turtle with corals and rocks on the seabed. Two different sizes and model without base available: Model 1: 25mm base Model 2: 50mm base Model 3: Hawksbill turtle (approx....
Rays - Manta rays on rocks
Manta ray on the sea floor swimming over rocks
Model: Manta Ray by tshenry1, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Squid - Sepia
Simple, ten-armed squid.
Model: Cuttlefish by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Fish - Napoleon wrasse 01
Simple Napoleon wrasse
Model: Napoleonfish by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Squid - Large Octopus 01
Simple octopus
Model: Octopus by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Seahorse - Seahorse 01
Simple, little seahorse.
Model: Seahorse by YahooJAPAN, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Seabed diorama
Seabed full of various corals and large fallen pillar
Model: Coral Column scatter by tshenry1, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Corals 2
Six different branched corals The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 , licensed under CC BY...
Hermit crabs 3
Five different hermit crabs in twisted snail shells The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 ,...
Starfish - Starfish 2
Nine different little starfish The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 , licensed under CC BY...
Shell - Treasure-filled shell
Large shell filled with coins and other treasures The models are delivered in a coherent frame and must be separated, for example with a craft knife. Model by Pellinor1 ,...
Scissorlock, giant armored crab
Huge crab with a thick chitinous shell and powerful claws
Model available with or without scenic 50 mm round base
show 25-48 of 74 products
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