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Southern Men Warrior A

Man dressed in cloth and mail armor with helmet, armed with saber and shield

Brigand Gaston

Musician in decorated fabric clothing sitting on a barrel and playing a string instrument


Man wearing a leather apron resoling a shoe. Model available with or without scenic 25mm round base
from €4.45

Rich nobleman

Strong man in ostentatious clothing carrying an ornate bag on his belt

Gonthan Knight 02 (mounted)

Armed knight in plate armor. The model is compatible with all Whitecaester soldiers ' horses.

Fiefdom Ax Warrior - Leader in riding pose

A stocky, bald man wearing chain mail and plate armor, armed with a long-handled ax and sitting on a mount. The model can be combined in any way with all...

War Orc Lieutenant

Orc with plate armor and a bald head, armed with a thorny mace

Corsair Captain

Pirate king with an impressive beard and decorated turban, wearing rich clothing and armed with a saber

Eastmen Serpent Cultist 02

Acolyte clad in loose robes and armor with a mask over his face, armed with two curved knives

Eastern Men Snake Cultist 03

Acolyte clad in loose robes and armor with a mask over his face, armed with two curved knives

Eastern people water carrier

Man wearing loincloth and legs chained together carrying two large buckets of water on his shoulders hanging from a wooden beam

Eastern People Princess - Courtly Clothes

Woman with large earrings and decorated headband, wearing a headscarf and loose cloth clothing

Eastern Man - Arash, Emir of the Scimitar - Riding Pose

Rider with decorated armor and flowing cape, armed with a two-handed saber and wearing a full mask with sharp facial features The model is delivered without a mount and can...
from €4.45

Gollnir, White Wizard

Gollnir, the White Wizard, towers above all others as a powerful magician. His long hair and equally impressive beard testify to his wisdom and the centuries he has passed through....

Laigalad, Elven Archer (Remastered)

Elf in decorated clothing, holding a bow in one hand and reaching into a quiver of arrows on his back with the other. This is a reissue of the original...

Aranglor, Human Ranger in Combat Stance (Remastered)

Ranger with cape, holding his sword in both hands. This is a reissue of the original model.

Falco, halfling treasure bearer on pony

Discover Falco, the halfling treasure bearer, a character full of charm and adventurous spirit. This little hero, with bare, hairy feet, symbolizes the carefree nature of halflings. His fine clothing,...
from €3.25

Halfling Civilian D

Meet the Halfling Civilian, a vivid depiction of everyday life in the halfling world. Dressed in his neat everyday clothes with a carefully laced vest, he embodies the relaxed joy...

Qwimbles, Gnom-Magier

Gnom mit Spitzbart und Magierrobe, der einen überdimensionierten Zaubererhut auf dem Kopf trägt und einen kleinen Stab, sowie eine Flamme in den Händen hält

Ath'eria, Astralvolk-Kriegerin

Kriegerin des Astralvolks mit spitzen, geschwungenen Ohren und schlankem Gesicht, die mit wehendem Zopf ein großes Schwert schwingt. Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 25mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
from €4.45

Smiles, Halbriesen-Barbar

Hochgewachsener, oberkörperfreier Mann mit Fell- und Lederkleidung, der grinsend mit zwei Äxten bewaffnet ist. Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 32mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
from €5.45

Smiles, Halbriesen-Barbar - Wütend

Riesiger, oberkörperfreier Berserker mit Fell- und Lederkleidung, der brüllend einen entwurzelten Baum schwingt. Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 50mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
from €11.95

Cephlamorph 01

Mächtiger Bewohner der Astralebenen mit oktopusartigem Kopf, der in vier Tentakeln endet. Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 25mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
from €5.45

Cephlamorph 03

Mächtiger Bewohner der Astralebenen mit oktopusartigem Kopf, der in vier Tentakeln endet. Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 25mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
from €5.45

show 193-216 of 3513 products

Free shipping from 50€ within Germany
Free shipping within the EU between €100 and €200, depending on the country
Production and direct shipping from Germany
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