Eastern Man - Arash, Emir of the Scimitar
Easterling swordsman wearing ornate armor and cape, armed with a two-handed saber and wearing a full mask with sharp facial features
Eastmen Serpent Cultist 02
Acolyte clad in loose robes and armor with a mask over his face, armed with two curved knives
Eastern Men Snake Cultist 03
Acolyte clad in loose robes and armor with a mask over his face, armed with two curved knives
Eastern people water carrier
Man wearing loincloth and legs chained together carrying two large buckets of water on his shoulders hanging from a wooden beam
Eastern Man - Arash, Emir of the Scimitar - Riding Pose
Rider with decorated armor and flowing cape, armed with a two-handed saber and wearing a full mask with sharp facial features The model is delivered without a mount and can...
Denarius, Regent of Gonthan
Let yourself be carried away into the majestic world of Gonthan. Denarius, the sovereign ruler of the White City, presents himself here. He proudly wears his loose-fitting robe and flowing...
Teobald, Armed King of the Horse Lords
Rise in the midst of battle with Teobald, the armed king of the horse lords. In a heroic pose and with his sword raised, he radiates unwavering power and authority....
Ebremer, prince of the horse lords
Ebremer, the battle-hardened prince of the horse lords, is ready to lead his people into battle. His handsome appearance is highlighted by his full beard and his hair tied in...
Laigalad, Elven Archer (Remastered)
Elf in decorated clothing, holding a bow in one hand and reaching into a quiver of arrows on his back with the other. This is a reissue of the original...
Gollnir, Gray Wizard in Battle Stance (Remastered)
Magician in a hat and cloak who has drawn his sword and raised his staff to strike. This is a reissue of the original model.
Laigalad, Elven Archer in Combat Stance (Remastered)
Eleven in decorated clothing who has placed an arrow on a drawn bow. This is a reissue of the original model.
Falco, halfling treasure bearer on pony
Discover Falco, the halfling treasure bearer, a character full of charm and adventurous spirit. This little hero, with bare, hairy feet, symbolizes the carefree nature of halflings. His fine clothing,...
Halfling Archer A
Meet the Halfling Archer, a character who captures the essence of rural charm and quiet determination. In his simple everyday clothing that underlines his down-to-earth nature, this chubby halfling is...
Halfling Archer B
Meet the Halfling Archer, a masterful combination of grace and deadly precision. In her dress, which offers both elegance and freedom of movement, and with her hair carefully tied back,...
Grimhelm, duplicitous advisor in exile
Meet Grimhelm, the duplicitous exiled advisor who lurks deep in the shadows of Saligastir's world. This sycophantic servant, always bent in a slight bow, reflects the intrigue and mystery that...
Herald of the Dark Lord
Experience the mystery and fear that the Dark Lord's Herald embodies. Wrapped in dark cloths and robes, his identity concealed by a tall helmet, this figure reveals only the fiend's...
Ath'eria, Astralvolk-Kriegerin
Kriegerin des Astralvolks mit spitzen, geschwungenen Ohren und schlankem Gesicht, die mit wehendem Zopf ein großes Schwert schwingt.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 25mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
Smiles, Halbriesen-Barbar
Hochgewachsener, oberkörperfreier Mann mit Fell- und Lederkleidung, der grinsend mit zwei Äxten bewaffnet ist.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 32mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
Smiles, Halbriesen-Barbar - Wütend
Riesiger, oberkörperfreier Berserker mit Fell- und Lederkleidung, der brüllend einen entwurzelten Baum schwingt.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 50mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
Cephlamorph 01
Mächtiger Bewohner der Astralebenen mit oktopusartigem Kopf, der in vier Tentakeln endet.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 25mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
Abby, Gnom-Cephlamorph
Kleine, vage humanoide Gestalt mit großem, oktopusartigem Kopf, der in vier Tentakeln endet.
Drachenkobold-Brutmeister 03
Echsenartiger Kobold mit Schutzbrille und großem Schild, der ein mit Gewichten beschwertes Netz in der Hand hält.
Ankylosaurus-Dinovolk 01
Humanoider Dinosaurier mit dorniger Schwanzkeule, Rüstung und zwei Hämmern in in mittelamerikanischem Stil
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne gestaltete 25mm-Base verfügbar
Ankylosaurus-Dinovolk 03
Humanoider Dinosaurier mit dorniger Schwanzkeule, Stab und Federschmuck, der eine Hand erhebt.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne gestaltete 25mm-Base verfügbar
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