Disfigured, undead creature resembling an unborn baby
Model: Supportless Atropal by samzeid, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Erect Bone Dragon
Large, undead skeletal dragon with outstretched wings standing on a rock with its hind legs
Blind meat devil 01
Humanoid demon with a bloated, disfigured body and eyes sewn shut
Model: Nupperibo by Schlossbauer, licensed under CC BY 3.0 .
Bubbling Blood Elemental
Grotesque figure rising from a swirling pool of blood. Two different sizes available
Model 1: Roughly human-sized elemental
Model 2: Large Elemental
Burning skull
Human skull riding on flames
Model: Demilich - D&D Miniature by kaimueri, licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 .
Roaring zombie dragon
Undead dragon with rotten flesh and crushed body, roaring with its mouth open
The Demon King
Disfigured figure covered by a shroud, wearing a crystal crown and with large claws growing from his back. The 50mm base is an integral part of the model.
The Eternal Scribe
A towering figure in a wide robe inscribed with runes, whose face is hidden by countless hands Model optionally available with scenic staircase " Knowledge comes at a price. All...
The Spirit of the Evergreen Forest
Figure rooted in the swamp with gnarled, branch-like limbs overgrown with mosses, lichens and fungi and carrying a bird on its finger. Model available in two sizes, with 42mm or...
Der Rote Narr
Große untote Gestalt mit spitzem Kinn und über den Schädel gespannte Haut, der mit Messerklauen und einer überdimensionierten Narrenkappe mit Glöckchen auf Zehenspitzen schleicht. Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische...
Der Sengende Ritter
Untoter Krieger mit frei flammenden Skelettschädeln in voller Plattenrüstung, der mit einem Streitkolben und einem Schild bewaffnet ist.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 32mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
Die Gekochte Maid
Untote Frau mit übernatürlich weit aufgerissenem Mund, die in einem eigenständig laufenden Kessel voll brodelnder Suppe sitzt und ein Schlachtbeil schwingt.
Modell wahlweise mit oder ohne szenische 50mm-Rundbase verfügbar.
The nurse
Female figure with an instrument bag, her face covered by a tight-fitting cloth and her clawed hands stretched out " Wicked Hills is my home. I live in a beautiful...
Dark alchemist on horseback
Cloaked figure with a Kabuki mask sitting on an armored horse armed with a spear and sling
Dark cataphract on horseback
Cloaked figure in mail and plate armor armed with a mace and riding a heavily armored horse
Dark Blademaster
Figure wrapped in a wide cloak with a helmet and no recognizable facial features, holding a curved blade in both hands Model 1: Model without associated scenic base Model 2:...
Dark Blademaster on horseback
Cloaked figure with sickle blade crouching on the back of a horse with a decorated blanket
Dark King
Figure wrapped in a wide cloak with a helmet and no recognizable facial features, holding a large, jagged sword in his hands Model 1: Model without associated scenic base Model...
show 1-24 of 95 products
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