Tall and slender tree shepherdess with dense foliage on her head and a curious squirrel on her hand
Gnarled willow root in water (base)
Furrowed tree root on a 25mm diameter base with lily pads floating on it
Mippin, Sitting Halfling
Slender halfling wearing a scarf and cloak, sitting with his legs outstretched. Model requires a seat to be positioned.
Silverblossom, daughter of water
Kneeling woman wearing an embroidered dress holding a water lily in her hands and another in her hair Model 1: Model without associated scenic base Model 2: Model with associated...
Stocky tree shepherd
Strong, short-legged Ent that can swing either a large boulder or an orc with its powerful arm. Two different models available.
Thom, The Singer
Slightly stocky, dancing man with (yellow) leather boots, a (blue) coat and a hat with a feather Model 1: Model without associated scenic base Model 2: Model with associated scenic...
Treobyrdan, Avatar of the Forests
Mighty Ent with a gnarled face and a beard made of mosses and lichens. Model available with either or the sitting halflings Perry and Mippin.
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Production and direct shipping from Germany
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