"Grandmother Snow despite her frail appearance is one of the best trappers at the Okinja Lodge. She is 376 years old and has learned a lot of tricks in her time. In fact she was the one who developed the tactic of trapping dragons in their human form. As a Kitsune she was familiar with shapeshifting magic and she developed a spell that could hold a creature in it's current from for a period of time. Her approach to dealing with problematic dragons almost never involves killing them and she instead prefers to persuade, negotiate, and listen. If they can't be reasoned with then she will result to tricks and deception. Just because she doesn't use an aggressive approach doesn't mean she isn't capable of defending herself. She is a powerful spell caster though that is something she likes to keep to herself unless needed. She is known as "grandmother" since she teaches the new recruits to the lodge and treats everyone as if they where her own children.
Glade is a Spirit Sika, They are the lesser cousins of the Kirin though still powerful and graceful. On one expedition to handle a difficult River Dragon that had been causing trouble, their party was stopped by a Spirit Sika that was blocking their way through a glade. There seemed to be no apparent reason why it would not let them pass other than to be beligerent. One of the party members attempted to get it to leave but he ended up flat on his back as a result. Before things could escalate Grandmother Snow stepped forward and scolded the Spirit Sika like you would a naughty a child. The deer seemed stunned at the assertive little Kitsune and let them pass. Glade would follow them from a distance curious about what they where doing. In the Village they where staying in the Spirit Sika charged in plowing into an old man but before he could be scolded again Grandmother Snow realized why. Spirit Sika are known for their ability to see the true form of creatures and this old man had been the River Dragon they had been seeking. Snow named the deer Glade after the place they had found him and he followed them back to the lodge. Now snow and Glade are inseparable."
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