"Rhom was sold as slave to become a gladiator after he was caught stealing from a merchant. He grew up on the streets living a life of crime with his brothers and stealing to get by was all he had ever known. In the gladiator training camps he did not do well at first. He was scrawny and weak and didn't know how to fight. He did have one thing most of them didn't have however which was his resilience. No matter how many times he got knocked down he'd get back up. He would train late into the night determined to earn his freedom. Eventually after many scars and beatings he grew strong and disciplined and eventually was pitted against someone in the arena. He was beat down but before the judge could declare the victor, Rhom rose to his feet again. The assailant pommeled Rhom again and brought him to his knees and once more Rhom got back up. This continued with his opponent savagely thrashing him but each time Rhom got back up and each time his opponent grew more and more tired. on the 17th round Rhom finally bested his opponent and began his rise through the gladiatorial ranks. Eventually he earned the name Rhom the Relentless as no matter how much of a beating he took he would just keep coming. He finally won his freedom and decided he would not return to a life of crime. He tried to get honest work but nobody wanted to hire a former slave. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Rhom got more desperate as he considered returning to crime to survive. One day as he was planning to steal some food from a street vendor he was recognized for his gladiatorial exploits by a member of the lodge who had ben a fan of his, As they chatted it became clear to the trapper that Rhom was desperate and struggling. He told him of the lodge and invited him to come join. Rhom was accepted and is just as relentless facing dragons as he was as a gladiator."
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Unsere Modelle werden, sofern nicht anders angegeben, im Maßstab 1:56 (32mm) produziert. Möchtest du dein Modell in einer Größe haben, die wir nicht im Shop anbieten, schreib uns einfach an info@koboldnest.de!
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Dies kann bei Modellen mit Verbindungszapfen dazu führen, dass die Zapfen nachträglich entfernt werden müssen, um auf die Base montiert werden zu können.
Unsere Modelle werden unbemalt und gegebenenfalls in Einzelteilen, die Zusammenbau erfordern, geliefert.
Modelle aus Resin werden modellabhängig mit 0,03-0,05mm Schichthöhe, Modelle aus PLA mit 0,12-0,2mm Schichthöhe gedruckt.
Material- und Produktionsbedingt kann es zu farblichen Abweichungen kommen. Die finale Farbgebung und Zahl der Farbwechsel von Modellen mit Regenbogen- oder Mehrfarbmaterial ist zufällig und kann bei der Produktion nicht gesteuert werden.
Das Koboldnest ist offiziell lizenzierter Produktions- und Vertriebspartner aller angebotenen Modelle der von uns vertretenen Designstudios. Modellfotos und Bilder mit Koboldnest-Logo © Koboldnest; Modelldesigns und Restliche Bilder © genanntes Designstudio.
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30-39 Modelle - 25% Rabatt
40-49 Modelle - 30% Rabatt
Ab 50 Modelle - 35% Rabatt
05-09 Modelle - 5% Rabatt
10-19 Modelle - 10% Rabatt
20-29 Modelle - 13% Rabatt
30-39 Modelle - 17% Rabatt
40-49 Modelle - 21% Rabatt
Ab 50 Modelle - 25% Rabatt
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Landesabhängig ist der Versand in EU-Länder ab einem Einkaufswert von 100€ bzw. 200€ ebenfalls kostenfrei.
Alle von uns angebotenen 3D-Druck-Modelle werden von uns in Eigenproduktion hergestellt:
Marian Ferdyn
Mönkeweg 45
33659 Bielefeld